ywy box of fun

land maker: attack patterns

# normal
#### unused (set 1)

# practice (opponents\sup{\link[#note-1]{[1]}})
|!https://qcs.shsbs.xyz/api/File/raw/lolru[128x172]|!https://qcs.shsbs.xyz/api/File/raw/qxxje[128x172]|!https://qcs.shsbs.xyz/api/File/raw/icxki[128x172]|\align[center]{\link[#note-1]{[2]}} |
#### unused (set 2)

# practice (another world)

# impossible \link[#note-3]{[3]}

\a[note-1]{[1]} only the computer-controlled opponent uses these attack patterns. the player will have their normal attack. thus, while referenced in tables, the patterns "for" youen, kouko, rinrei, roushinshi also go unused.
\a[note-2]{[2]} obviously, practice mode ends after stage 3, and because only the opponent uses this table, it's not actually possible to see renki's practice mode pattern. but if it was, he would use **hiryu's practice pattern**.
\a[note-3]{[3]} referenced twice after gaira's normal mode attack pattern table entry, but impossible to encounter normally and goes unused.