ywy box of fun

English Fan Translation

This is an EN translation of the story text (win quotes and endings) for the arcade version of Land Maker.


>[(flyer backstory)]{Five Evils.
Born from condensed yin qi of the earth.
The Five Evil Hermits(evil Sennin taken in by yin), inspired by the Five Evils, polluted the world with evil spirits, destroying many countries.
Sennin with the powers of the Five Ancestors fought with the Five Evil Hermits and defeated them, but much of the world's land had sunk to the bottom of the sea.
Only one continent remained, with a culture resembling ancient China.
Refugees from the sunken continents fled there to establish new countries.
Thus different cultures, influenced by the ancient culture, began to coexist.
This is the beginning of a new conflict...}

Outside of Japan, the story text was replaced with simple result graphics (e.g. "you win"). The PlayStation ports (under the name "Builder's Block" in the U.S.) included a partial localization, with most win messages removed, and problems from typos to bizarre translation to what seems to be losing the original font, along with generally being too space-limited to preserve the feeling of the world and its characters.
This translation attempts to capture the essence and personality of the original script.  For a game with so little official material available in the first place, conveying it true to its spirit is an important goal, and to this end, special attention was given to a customized and re-kerned 14px version of the font, allowing space for the more faithful translation.

Requires an up-to-date version of MAME (≥ 0.253) or FBNeo (newer than 6 April 2023) for relevant emulation fixes.
# Download Patch

 - https://qcs.shsbs.xyz/resources/release/landmakr-en-translation-1.0.zip[landmakr-en-translation-1.0.zip]
backup download location: https://archive.org/details/landmakr-en-translation-1.0[archive.org]

Patch targets:

filename   crc32
e61-07.43  4a57965d
e61-08.45  76c98e14
e61-09.47  6ba29987
e61-16.17  b073cda9
e61-17.18  710776a8
e61-18.19  5a26c9e0
e61-19.20  f92eccd0```
See https://qcs.shsbs.xyz/resources/release/README.txt[README.txt] in the download for patching instructions.

Also included is an optional extra patch to change Youen's endings to use they/them instead of he/him, for players who may have established a particular headcanon.
# Credits
### Project Coordinator, Tooling Developer
### Translator
### Font Specialist
### Special Thanks (Time Travel)